Thursday, 8 April 2010

Bus trippin'

Sydney – Darwin Tour day 1! 3/4/10
Caught the ‘Oz Experience’ bus super early and had initial, “Hi im Liane etc etc etc” 7 girls and 2 blokes in total... a really good nice mix of people actually.. our first stop was Australia’s capital, Canberra. It was a pretty bizarre place to be honest... the whole city was built for the sole purpose to be a capital city. The structure and set up of the whole place was pretty clever but everything about it seemed really fact and inorganic (good word for a late evening!) However we did get to go inside the Parliamentary House where all the laws and important stuff is decided and got a tour around there which was pretty interesting.
Everyone on the bus is only doing a 3 day tour to Melbourne – as my 21 day tour is actually an accumulation of 5 separate tours strung together... so I effectively get to meet 5 different bus loads of people which is cool.
After Canberra we headed to our final place of the day where we were staying – a ski resort in a place in the mountains called Thredbo. It was so so strange to be going to a ski resort in Australia but a beautiful drive the way down there. Once we got there all of us girls headed to the pool and jacuzzi (already a great improvement on my last hostel!) and had a nice relaxing soak then went to dinner . It was a novelty after 8 days of McDonalds/cereal/jam & cheese on toast, to have a real life hot meal! We stayed up for a while and had a few drinks and our group was given a free bottle of Schnapz.. to which the drinking games pursued! .. Followed by my best and most silent nights sleep I have had since I’ve been here :)

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